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Smug as a smuggler

So, I won that award. After which I was naturally so excited that I had to go and lie down in a darkened room for six weeks, which explains the prolonged lack of content. Or not. Actually, I went away to work on The New Book (TM) and to try to ignore the voices in my head saying "it'll never be as good as the first one, you know, never ever ever". (This answers the question I got asked at a reading the other day: "Do you ever doubt yourself?" At the time I and the other writers involved answered with a peal of hollow, desolate laughter.)

I suppose, since this is nominally a blog about being a new writer, I ought to say what it's like to win an award. The answer of course is that it's wonderful. Beyond wonderful. It's like the day the boy you really like finally asks if you fancy going to the pictures, or when you get a call from the job you wanted but were woefully underqualified for, to ask if you can start on Thursday.

There were a lot of very glamorous media types there, compared to whom all the authors looked a bit bewildered and intimidated. Or perhaps that was just how I felt. I must have shaken hands with 50 people, many of whom I recognised by name but not face, which is an unusual kind of fame these days, I think. 150 years ago most people would have been hard-pressed to recognise Queen Victoria - today it's easy to recognise celebritites, but hard to work out where you recognise them <i>from</i>. At the Orange party, though, I kept being introduced to people I didn't recognise at all whose hands I shook while mentally processing the name and finally coming up with "oh! you wrote that wonderful book about..." Fortunately, I don't think I accused anyone of writing the wrong book.

I read a strange article a couple of days after the Orange party complaining that the invitations weren't very environmentally friendly (they were orange perspex squares) and what was she supposed to do with hers? I don't know about that journalist, but personally I gathered up half a dozen and intend to use them as coasters. "Oh, that? Yes, that's the invitation from the night I won that prize. No, no, it was nothing really." Not that I'm feeling smug, no no.

In any case, the thing that I was actually intending to write about but seem to have completely ignored was this. It is an article which made me very angry for reasons which have been plastered all over the blogosphere so I scarcely need to repeat them. Except (yeah, OK, so maybe I do need to repeat one or two) that it seemed to me to suffer from the Brokeback Mountain problem.

I may be the only person in the Western World not to have liked Brokeback Mountain. And I'd agree it was well-acted, well-shot, well-written and well-directed. Jake Gyllenhaal's performance in particular was exquisite. But the intensity of misery was far too much for me. I thought that a lot of people would have come out of that movie thinking "oh, poor gay people, how horrible life is for them, I really do feel sorry for them." Which is of course patronising, not to mention grossly inaccurate.

Of course, Brokeback was a piece of fiction - it couldn't be expected to "represent both sides" by showing some happy gay men having a great time. That would have been leaden and dreadful. But that Guardian article is a piece of journalism not fiction. It could have thought around the issues. It might have demonstrated insight and thougtfulness. But instead it said, essentially "oh, poor fat people, how horrible life is for them."

Does this journalist not know any fat people? Doesn't she have any fat friends, or colleagues, or relatives? (Perhaps she doesn't. Perhaps she should write about why that is.) Doesn't she have anyone to tell her that fat people often have fun, exciting, interesting lives? Some of us even win literary awards, you know.

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Reader Comments (6)

Congratulations on the Orange Prize, Naomi! Yiyun Li is a dear friend, but I am still happy for you and glad to see they recognized your wonderful work.

The Guardian article was infuriating. I'm still seeing red.
July 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertlb
I guess hating fat people is the next big thing. You know its so out disliking people because of thier colour, religion or thier recycling habits. Go blame the fat people, because of them the NHS is in trouble.This is pure maddness.Personally I do have lots of fun, I am not ashamed to eat in public and I usually smile to people in the streets and get guys calling me. So go eat something you gaurdian hungry lady. Some carrots maybe? (now I am angry)
July 27, 2006 | Unregistered Commentershlomit
If you didn't like Brokeback you must have LOVED Trembling Before G-d!
August 10, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterFrumella
Interestingly, I did, in fact, love Trembling Before God. I guess I have less of a problem with people telling their own stories (I know, a lot can be done with editing, yada yada) than with other people making up miserable stories about them. It's just... you can't make assumptions about people's lives, you know? Thinking about it, Trembling did at least show some gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews who had found ways to live their lives that worked for them, and had found some happiness. If anyone was in any way happy in Brokeback Mountain (apart from maybe Jack Twist's wife, right at the end) I must have missed it.
August 10, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi Alderman
I just read a piece of your work Naomi(Its Simple: we're getting fatter because we've got more food) in the Melbourne newspaper "The Age" and I loved it. I googled your name and discovered your blog, small world eh? Just wanted to let you know you have another fan of your work now. No pressure!

Congratulations on the big award.
August 18, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney
What an unpleasantly patronising article. It seems very poor journalism to wear a fat suit for a day and then decide that all big people feel the same way as she did.
August 27, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Trellis

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